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Handy Tool Holder 3D Printed

handy tool holder

I finally got tired of loosing tools at my workbench, and 3D printed a handy tool holder to mount on a shelf right in front of my eyes.

I you own a 3D printer, like my new Prusa MK3S, you are always looking for useful printing projects. I just found another one!

My workbench gets quite cluttered as I work on different project like 3D printing and electronic circuit boards. Quite often, you find yourself pulling out different tools and forgetting to put them back into boxes or drawers. Or, worse yet, forgetting where you put them entirely. This happens often as you get older, sigh.

Big tools are fairly easy to spot, but small tools can go missing easily, such as when you put them into your pocket.

So, I made a list of the small tools that I use most frequently. For me, these include miniature pliers and cutters, tweezers for holding surface mount parts, as well as a collection of screw drivers and Allen keys.

Then, I 3D printed a toolbar to store the tools right at my workbench, two feet in front of my eyes. Shown above, my handy tool holder is already proving its worth.

Handy Tool Holder 3D Print Design

You will find this a really simple project that you can design in almost any CAD tool. It consists of a storage bar (in my case 120 by 20 millimeters, six mm thick) and two U-shaped holders.

The U shaped holders clamp onto the top shelf of my workbench. Each contains a 3 by 6 mm notch. Just press your storage bar into these notches and you get a tight fit.

You should design the storage bar with properly sized holes for the tools you want to store. Just measure the various parts of the tools and how they can be held steady. This whole project took a couple of hours to design and print.

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