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Goodbye Acura TL – You Were Great

goodbye acura tl

It’s time to say goodbye Acura TL. After fourteen years of excellent performance, my 2009 Acura has moved on to a new home.

Around 16 months ago, I wrote an article about how happy I have been with my Acura. Still drives like new and no repairs over its lifetime. Who could ask for anything more?

But, with age, I began wondering if we really needed two cars. And, with my wife’s stroke earlier this year, we are down to only one driver in the household. Insurance is $1400 a year, and I really don’t drive it much these days.

So, I decided to sell, as I was told used cars are selling at good prices, these days.

One of my son’s helped me figure out the value. I placed an ad in Kijiji on Tuesday morning and, by lunchtime, I had a deposit in the bank for a quick sale. It helped that I had kept all the maintenance records and the car was in excellent condition.

By early evening, my goodbye Acura TL was permanent, as I watched the new owner drive away.

Goodbye Acura TL – How Time’s Have Changed

Interestingly, this transaction was almost all online. Posting the ad, text inquiries and e-mails. Money transferred into my account online. The new owner travelled from Edmonton to pick up the car, using an online ride-share process.

Plus, I took some video of the car on my phone and texted it to the buyer.

Online banking and communication make a transaction like this so much smoother than the old days.

So, now we are down to one car for the first time in nearly forty years. I think this will take some adjustment. I will have to learn to enjoy my RAV4 as my only car, but I think it is pretty good, too.

One comment

  1. Walt says:

    About 10 years ago, we went to 1 vehicle and I’ve never looked back. My main transportation became my bicycle which added thousands of km to the odometer. I found that riding was often far more efficient than driving owing to our excellent cycling pathways here in Victoria.

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