My winters bring long hours of darkness. It’s time to discover my favorite medium wave DX station setup at home. Read more
Tag: DX
Medium Wave DXing Fifty Five Years In
No, that’s not me on the left, but close. I just realized that last year was my 55th anniversary in my first hobby of medium wave DXing. Read more
NDB DX – Catch Yours Before They’re Gone
NDB DX is an aspect of our radio hobby where you listen for distant non-directional beacons on medium and long waves. Most countries are phasing these out over the next decade. Read more
What is the Best DX QTH?
Is there a best DX QTH? Probably not, but some are better than others. Draw some maps and check it out. Read more
Endfire Loop Array Patterns on Medium Wave
My small changes to phasing creates remarkably different endfire loop array patterns. I can demonstrate these with empirical results and analytical modeling. Read more
SDR Medium Wave Performance
Let’s check out SDR medium wave performance with a variety of front end designs which all work differently and well, most of the time. Read more
Medium Wave Split Channels – DX Helpers

Local AM broadcasters operate on different channels in the Americas than in the rest of the world. These Medium Wave split channels are a boon for serious DX’ers. Read more
Beverage Antenna Enables Intercontinental MW Listening
AM broadcast band radio signals travel great distances at night. You can hear medium wave signals from all around your continent. However, you can’t normally hear stations from across the Pacific or Atlantic. That’s not possible unless you use a Beverage antenna (shown above.) Read more
Direction Finding Loop Wireless Magic
Radiosport – Hams Enjoy Contests

During the 48 hours covered by October 24-25 (2015) one of the premier radiosport events brought the ham radio bands to life. Every fall, around thirty thousand hams worldwide take part in two CQ Worldwide contests. The first is for voice operators, the second in November is for Morse code enthusiasts. The process is quite simple: contact other hams worldwide and exchange a signal report and your location. Scoring is based on the number of successful contacts multiplied by the number of different locations (zones and countries) reached.